Many parents complain about their one-year-old children. The child has become disobedient, grabs everything that comes to hand, constantly screams, if something goes wrong. So, let’s evaluate commonly asked questions on parenting little babies and answer them with parenting tips for 1 year olds.

It is important to remember that a one-year-old child is not interested in sitting in one place, playing the same toy all day. The child must learn about the world that surrounds him.

So, how to deal with a one year old baby?

A one-year-old child has one unique feature. He can get distracted very easily. In every apartment there are things that a child should not touch. For example: table lamps, sockets, sharp and breakable objects, gas stove.

To avoid whims, not to yell at the child – he still will not understand this, experienced parents distract him with his favorite toy, an offer to play together. Instead of a toy, you can offer your child a pot and a spoon, because it is very interesting to knock.

After 6 months, the baby learns to manipulate various objects, and a variety of safe kitchen utensils in this regard is a treasure for the baby and his busy mom!

Give your child several plastic bowls with lids of different sizes, disposable cups, wooden spoons, and you will save on buying a whole bunch of educational toys. 

Bowls and cups can be put into one another, small toys can be hidden under them to be found. Baby can knock them on the table, listening to various sounds.

Great fun – plastic water bottles. They can be left empty or filled with water, small toys, various cereals (just do not need to fill the bottles to the end, then the child will be happy to watch the grains move or the water overflows).

Such bottles are interesting to roll and turn over. Do not give the baby all these treasures at once. While he can play with one, maximum, two toys at the same time.

How to organize the environment for a child who is starting to walk

The child begins to walk, but ambitious mothers who fear for the health of the child are in no hurry to pull the child out of the playpen. And then they complain of headaches because the child is constantly screaming. 

Do not forbid the child to move freely around the apartment.

It is necessary to organize the situation so that the baby can play with easily accessible things. Be sure to put plugs on all sockets so that the child does not accidentally stick fingers or any objects there. 

Remove broken vases, ashtrays from tables. Put old newspapers and magazines in there so that the child can leaf through them, wrinkle and even tear them. And it is better to put all the books on the bookshelf as high as possible and denser to each other so that the baby cannot get them.

In the kitchen, put all breakable dishes and cutting objects on the upper shelves too. And in the lower cabinets, put pots, pans and all unbreakable items that the child can also play with.

It is recommended to put unnecessary old things, such as clothes, toys and other things of interest to the child, in all lower cabinets. The kid will be able to pull out the contents of the lockers, examine with interest, play and put everything back under your supervision.

How to say “No!” to your baby

If your child is trying to heap something up, it is useless to shout “No!” to him in a strict tone from another room. The kid will not understand you and will do exactly the opposite.

You need to explain in a calm voice what this word means to your baby. It will take a little time for the baby to understand its meaning.

And even when the little one understands the word “No!”, He will still try to do something illegal. It would be much wiser to just take the child to another place, say “No!”, explain what it means and offer the child an empty shoe box, a colorful magazine, or some other interesting item as an option.

It makes no sense to give him a toy that he recently played with. Most likely it could already have bored him. 

Presumably after a while the child will again take up the old. This means that he simply lacks the attention of his parents. Sit with him, play with new toys, read children’s fairy tales.

In this way, you will make it clear to him that you cannot play with a forbidden item. If you are busy and can not give your child a little time, attract loved ones. Let dad or grandma play with the baby.

Do not resort to arguments, shouting. Don’t punish your child. You won’t achieve anything by doing this. Forbidding your child something needs to be done in confidence and fun. Only in this case you will achieve the goal and overcome the stubbornness of your child.

How to behave with a child on the street

Mom decided to take a walk with the child on the street. What a joy for a baby! There are so many interesting things to see and touch here.

But alas, not every mother allows her child to touch the sand with her hands, stroke the neighbor’s cat, or pick up a beautiful candy wrapper. The child hesitates, trying to climb every step of the store. 

In general, he learns the world around him on the street. What to do if you are in a hurry, and the child resists going anywhere and deliberately lags behind you? In this case, it is better not to take the child with you to the store without a stroller or bicycle.

There are other situations as well. The child plays in the sandbox and then it’s time to go home. If you say in a stern voice that it’s time to go home, you will definitely run into resistance.

In this situation, you need to offer your baby, for example, to go see something interesting or climb the stairs together.

Perhaps the baby will want to go with you. But if your baby is very tired, then most likely he will begin to act up and scream, taking away toys from other children and generally behaving very ugly.

Do not scold the child, he will not understand that he is wrong. In this case, it is better to take the child in your arms and simply carry him home, even if he kicks and squeals. Do it confidently, as if telling him that if you have to go home, then you must.

A small child will soon calm down, because deep down he feels that his mother knows what she is doing.

If the child deliberately throws things

A one-year-old child deliberately throws things, food. He does this so that the mother picks up, and the child throws again. For the baby, this is a kind of game that makes him very happy.

Mom may not understand the intentions of the baby, and this can greatly annoy her. But the child does not think about his mother and wants to play “throwing” all day. The child believes that this game is for two.

If you are not ready to play a game of this nature with your child, then never pick up toys and other objects thrown on the floor. If the child throws things out of the crib, then tie his favorite toys to the bed with a rope. And you can attach several toys to the stroller. 

If the child begins to throw food, then he has already eaten and you can safely take away the plate with the remaining food from him. But don’t take it out on the child. Being angry with him, you will not achieve a positive result, but only upset yourself and the baby.

Adhering to these rules, raising a one-year-old child will be easy and interesting. And the baby will be happy and bring you only joy.