By asking the child the right questions, parents will help him in the development of speech and creative thinking.

Children ask a lot of questions. Sometimes these questions are repeated. More often than not, we answer them over and over again.

Let’s be honest: sometimes we ignore the child’s questions or roll our eyes when there are too many of them. Research shows that a child, especially a preschooler, asks more than 300 questions every day – more than we are able to answer.

But the point is that we should encourage the child to ask more questions, and not to restrain him in any way. It turns out that there is a good reason for this: by answering the questions of your child, you expand the boundaries of his thinking.

It is important that children use their imagination and strive to learn more. We can help them with this by not only answering questions, but also asking them ourselves. After all, it is known that children copy the words and behaviors of their parents.

Therefore, do not limit yourself to the banal “How was your day?”, but use the following questions to get your child to talk.

1. What do you like to fantasize about?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are your friends good at?

4. If you could do anything, what would you do right now?

5. What are you looking forward to when you wake up in the morning?

6. Have you ever thought about naming colors differently?

7. Which cartoon character is the funniest?

8. If you opened a store, what would you sell?

9. If you were a superhero, what would your name be and what superpowers would you have?

10. Imagine that you are on the beach. What will you do first?

11. If you could grow any plant in your yard, what would it be?

12. What gives you courage?

13. How do you know that you are loved?

14. How do you show interest in people?

15. What do you feel when I hug you?

16. If your toys could talk, what would they say?

17. If you could donate 100 dollars to charity, who would you give it to?

18. What would you make a hut from?

19. What do you like to give people?

20. What made you smile or laugh today?

21. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

22. If you could draw anything that comes to your mind, what would you draw right now?

23. If you were a fashion designer, what clothes would you design?

24. What is your favorite thing to do to help people?

25. Imagine that you are a chef. Tell me about your restaurant. What dishes are cooked in it?

26. What do you think you will dream about tonight?

27. What makes you feel grateful?

28. Where would you like to go? How would you get there?

29. What sounds do you like?

30. If you built yourself a hut in the forest, what would be inside it?

31. If you could talk to a wild animal, what would you ask it?

32. If you could spend the whole day outside, what would you do?

33. How to build the most reliable fortress?

34. What gives you energy?

35. What role would you like to play in a play?

36. How do you think animals communicate with each other?

37. What is the most beautiful thing that exists in nature?

38. If you were a photographer for one day, what would you photograph?

39. What memory makes you happy?

40. What annoys you?

41. Describe a good day. What makes it special?

42. Which animal do you think is the fastest?

43. What makes your friends special?

44. What makes you special?

45. Do you have any ideas for any invention?

46. ​​What do you think is the best way to speak several languages?

47. What 3 things do you want to do this summer?

48. If you could come up with some new holiday, what would it be?

49. What makes a person smart?

50. If you had friends all over the world, how would you communicate?

Don’t worry if your child is initially reluctant to answer questions. Take your time and don’t move on to the next question too quickly.

By giving enough time to this activity, you show that you are interested in communication, and not just get a response from your child. For adults, this is also a good way to show creativity and imagination.

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for us to think creatively? By asking the child questions, we regain this ability. So feel free to answer these questions and share your answers with your child.