Parents can help the child in his physical, mental and social development. To do this, they can take certain measures. Let’s consider them in more detail.

To help your child develop, you can follow these guidelines.

1. Talk to your child. Do this as often as possible. Do not worry that the child does not understand you yet – continue to talk with him. Don’t try to teach your child to talk – just talk.

Very soon, he will begin to understand simple words – such as, for example, his name.

2. Play with your baby when he is lying on his stomach. This is very important for the physical development of the child, as it trains every muscle.

During such games, the child learns to control each muscle group and also learns various movements. Therefore, devote time to such games every day.

When the baby is lying on his stomach, arrange his favorite toys around him so that he can reach them. Such a game will develop the dexterity of the child.

3. Read picture books aloud to your child. Sit your child on your lap and read to him a book with colorful illustrations. Colored pictures stimulate the child’s eyes and brain.

4. Show your child bright toys. The baby likes multi-colored toys. They have a good effect on the development of his vision. This activity stimulates the child’s eyes and areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for vision.

5. Sit your child down often and support their back. If your child likes to sit and tries to sit up on his own, help him with this. Sit your child on your lap and support his back. This activity will help your child strengthen his back muscles.

6. Introduce your child to new people. Just because a child feels uncomfortable in the presence of strangers, does not mean that he needs to be protected from everyone.

Having new people around your child from time to time helps develop social skills and stimulates long-term memory.

Games and activities with the child help him develop at a normal pace and achieve the desired performance. However, there are certain signs that may indicate developmental delays. You should always pay attention to them.

Speed Up The Development of a 5 Month Old Baby

What could be cause for concern

If a child has a developmental delay, he may show these symptoms:

1. The child does not respond to sounds. A five-month-old baby may not understand what you are saying to him, but he will definitely turn his head when he hears the voice of mom or dad. A negative reaction or lack thereof to the voice of the parents may indicate hearing problems. You should see a doctor to check this.

2. The child has poorly developed hand movements and grasping skills. A five-month-old baby is well able to control hand movements. But if it seems to you that the movements of the child’s hands are erratic, and the grip is too weak, it is possible that his muscles are underdeveloped.

Poor hand control and a weak grip can be indicative of muscular dystrophy. When such a symptom appears, you should show the child to a pediatrician.

3. The body of the child always seems to be tense, and the movements are clumsy. If the child is motionless most of the time, and it seems to you that he does not control his movements well, this is a reason to show concern.

At the age of five months, the child develops all muscle groups and various movements while lying on his stomach. Muscle stiffness can be indicative of various problems, such as autism spectrum disorders.

However, do not jump to conclusions, but be sure to show the child to the doctor.

4. The child does not show any emotional signs of attachment to the parents. The child will not necessarily smile at everyone he sees, but he is always happy when he sees his parents. If the child does not show any emotions and does not smile at the sight of their parents, this may be a sign of a developmental delay.

5. The child does not develop speech skills well. A five-month-old baby often uses the speech apparatus – cooing, babbling and making other sounds. But if he is always silent, you should be wary.

This may be an early sign of speech development disorders. The sooner you pay attention to this symptom and consult a doctor, the higher the chances of a successful solution to the problem.

Remember that all children develop at a different pace. Do not be discouraged if your child at five months has not reached any of the indicators discussed above. 

Don’t force your child to do something. 

The best way to teach a child something is to understand his individual characteristics. Have patience and let the child develop at his own pace. If you suspect he has developmental delays, be sure to consult a doctor.