The body of a newborn baby, even after birth, continues to grow and improve. The child’s muscles have not yet grown stronger and he does not always succeed in controlling his movements and facial expressions. That is why babies look so funny. One of these uncontrolled movements is the protrusion of the tongue.

How it happens 

If parents notice that their one month old baby often sticks out his tongue, this causes some anxiety. They wonder why he does it. In this case, it is necessary to carefully observe the child and analyze when he sticks out his tongue in a game, and when it happens involuntarily.

It is also worth paying special attention to the well-being of the child, his sleep, whether the child throws his head back while he sticks out his tongue, and whether he shows grimaces at the same time.

Sticking tongue out while playing with parents is absolutely normal. After all, a one month old baby does not yet know the norms of ethics and cannot control his joyful emotions from communicating with his parents. He wants to talk to mom and dad, but the baby still does not know how to do this.

Advice to parents: if your baby sticks out the tongue and it is difficult for him to keep it in his mouth, if the child shows it too often, and also at the time when he sleeps, contact your pediatrician immediately.

The sooner you seek qualified help, the easier it will be to identify and cure the disease.

One Month Old Baby Sticking Tongue Out

So why does the baby show the tongue? What are the reasons?

A month old baby can just play around and try to pronounce a certain sound. But he’s still not good at it. After all, he is still very small. It is with such attempts that the protrusion of the tongue can happen. This is an adequate response to the world that surrounds the baby. 

It can also happen when the baby is very passionate about something: playing with his parents, studying his arms or legs, crawling. In this case, there is no reason for concern.

The protrusion of the tongue can tell parents that the child will soon start teething or swollen gums. 

At the same time, the gums begin to itch very strongly, itching appears, and the baby begins to use his tongue to scratch them or lightly massage the gums. 

Also, he can simply study his mouth with his tongue. In this case, do not worry. If the baby sticks out his tongue very rarely, then you should not worry. Often this can be just a kind of exercise for the tongue. 

If your child is one of those babies who are bottle-fed, then the tongue protrusion simply indicates that the baby is tormented by thirst or hunger. When a baby sucks milk from a bottle, he uses his tongue very actively. It is by having such an association that the child shows that it is time to prepare a new portion of the mixture.

A protruding tongue may indicate a lack of tactile contact with his beloved mother and remind her that she should devote all her time to her baby. 

If the baby is breastfed, then you can often notice that when the mother is not around, the baby does not cry, but begins to suck the tongue, stick out, even chew it. These are absolutely normal phenomena, which indicate that the baby is incredibly longing for his mother’s breasts. 

The child can show and stick out the tongue when it gets hot. Instinctively, thus, the baby increases the area of ​​the evaporated liquid. 

Advice to parents: do not leave the baby for a long time alone. Try to gently put him to the chest on demand. This will promote close psychological contact between mother and child.

One Month Old Baby Sticking Tongue Out

One month old baby protruding tongue: possible diseases

Oral thrush

Too frequent protrusion of the tongue should make parents pay attention to the baby’s oral cavity. If you notice a white coating in the area of ​​​​the tongue, cheeks and palate, then most likely this is an indicator of the presence of oral thrush in a child. 

This disease is one of the types of fungus, it is because of this that the baby has discomfort and not very unpleasant sensations in his mouth. He begins to show and stick out his tongue, letting his mother know that something is bothering him. 

Also in this way the child eases his condition. Treatment of this disease requires urgent care of a pediatrician.

High intracranial pressure

If the baby’s tongue often falls out and at the same time he constantly throws his head back, then this may indicate very high intracranial pressure (pressure in the skull). 

If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and find out why the child behaves this way. 

Congenital diseases

The protrusion of a tongue by an infant may indicate the individual features of the skull structure. The tongue may simply not fit in a small mouth. Since its size exceeds the size of the oral cavity. This is not considered a disease, but, nevertheless, it is worth contacting a specialist. 

If you notice that the child constantly sticks out and shows the tip of the tongue. Pay attention to the size of the tongue. If the size of the tongue exceeds the norm, this may also indicate the presence of any congenital diseases.


One month old baby sticking out tongue also may indicate such a dangerous disease as hypothyroidism. This disease requires complex treatment. The diagnosis in this case can only be established by a specialist. 

Advice to parents: If you notice that the tongue does not just stick out, but falls out, consult a doctor immediately. It is this symptom that can indicate the presence of a very serious disease: from problems with the thyroid gland to atrophy of the facial muscles. 

If you are very worried about the sticking out tongue syndrome of your baby, do not be shy, it is better to immediately go to the doctor for a consultation. This is how you keep your baby healthy. Be vigilant and attentive to your children.