Useful information for parents about what behavioral problems can occur in children 1-2 years old and how to deal with them.

Raising children who are just starting to walk is not an easy task. No wonder this period in a child’s life is called the “terrible two-year age.” He is still quite small, but his stubbornness and perseverance are impressive.

Although a child at this age is not yet ready to be punished for his actions, parents should already instill in him certain rules that will teach him to control his behavior. 1-2 years is a good age to teach a child to make the right choice.

Typical behavior of a child 1-2 years old

Two-year-olds tend to be very energetic. They are ready to run, jump and play till they drop. Children can be easily overexcited, and it can be very difficult for them to regain their composure.

Sometimes the cause of overexcitation is the environment or the situation – in such cases, the child needs to be taken to a more peaceful place.

Children learn about the world around them with the help of the senses – especially with the help of touch. Strong curiosity and insufficiently developed motor skills lead to the fact that children are clumsy. Therefore, parents need to teach the child what things are dangerous to touch.

Two-year-olds love to be independent. Don’t be surprised if a child who has just started talking says “no” too often and constantly tries to run away from you. And although it is difficult to keep track of him, watching him grow and develop is very exciting.

With a baby at this age, there are many changes. To deal with them, he needs discipline. Following certain rules will help the child become more independent and at the same time learn socially acceptable behavior.

Parenting 1-2 Years Old Challenges and Strategies

What difficulties may arise when parenting a toddler

Small children can tell lies. But they don’t really realize it. If you ask your child a direct question (for example, “Did you eat the cookie?”), he may say “No.” This may be in response to your tone of voice or non-verbal cues that he did something wrong.

Do not forget that the speech skills of a child at this age are still limited, so it is difficult for them to express their thoughts and feelings in words. Instead, they use body language.

Due to limited language skills, a child may become hysterical when he is angry, frustrated, or overexcited and unable to cope with his emotions.

Also, two-year-old children can show aggression. They do not yet have sufficient skills to resolve conflicts peacefully, and they do not understand how their actions can affect other people. Therefore, they can fight, bite or throw objects.

Set a few simple rules at home and follow them consistently. Children 1-2 years old need frequent reminders, they have to repeat the same action over and over again in order to learn something. Therefore, repeat the rule using the same wording so that the child learns it

Effective parenting strategies for 1-2 year olds

First of all, the strategies that you use in raising a child must be appropriate for his individual characteristics and needs. However, there are certain guidelines that will work for most children. Let’s consider them in more detail.

Show, don’t tell

When you tell your child, “Pet the dog gently,” across the room, he is unlikely to get it right. Show him how to do it. Place your hand on the child’s hand and gently stroke the dog.

Say “gently” while stroking. If you see that the child is still rough with the dog, repeat this lesson. Over time, the child will learn to stroke the dog gently.

Showing is much more effective than telling. Therefore, take the child’s hand in your hand and show how to perform this or that action.

During the day, give your child many opportunities to make the right choices. When he feels that he is not in control of the situation or his own emotions, this can develop into a tantrum. Therefore, offer your child a choice: what to cook for dinner, what book to read before bed, etc. This will make him feel better.

Take the child away from the place where he shows bad behavior

Sometimes a child simply cannot follow your instructions, and it makes no sense to force him. If he can’t behave well in the supermarket, you’d better finish your shopping early. If in the park he does not listen to you and constantly runs away, return home and repeat the walk another day.

Praise your child for good behavior

Everyone loves praise, and small children are no exception. Praise your child for good behavior, and he will try to continue to behave the same way. It is important to pay attention to his good deeds.

Praise him for playing calmly, trying to dress himself and collecting toys. The child is ready to repeat good deeds when parents pay attention to them.

Parenting 1-2 Years Old Challenges and Strategies

Pay no attention to small offenses

Young children often misbehave to get attention. If you pay attention to the child’s moody behavior or tantrums, this will only make the situation worse. It’s better to just ignore his behavior, with which he wants to attract attention to himself.

Look the other way, act as if you don’t see or hear his screams or tantrums. Distract yourself by something like reading a book.

As soon as the child stops behaving badly, you can pay attention to him again. Tell him, “Oh, you are being quiet now. So you’re ready to go outside to play.”

If a child is naughty because he is hungry or tired, ignoring his behavior will not solve the problem. You need to eliminate the cause that caused his bad behavior.

Paying attention to your child’s signs of hunger and fatigue can help you avoid similar situations in the future.

If you can’t completely ignore or walk away from your child when they have a tantrum, don’t overreact. If you show that you are tired of the whims of the child, he receives the same signal as if he was completely ignored.

Let the child be alone in another room

If a child behaves badly, parents often force him to stay in a room or sit on a chair for a certain time as punishment. However, most children 1-2 years old cannot sit quietly in one place for a long time. They lack the patience and focus for this. However, he can spend some time in another room.

Determine the time of such punishment in the calculation of 1 minute for 1 year of the child’s life. Thus, a two-year-old child will need to spend 2 minutes in the room.

Do not use the room in which the child sleeps as a place for punishment. His room should be a safe place for him and not be associated with punishment.

How to prevent toddler’s bad behavior in the future

Toddlers are very curious. Any object they want to touch, throw and knock on it to test its strength. Don’t expect your child to follow safety rules.

Provide him with the proper conditions, so that he can safely play and explore the world around him.

Use pads on protruding surfaces and sharp corners, remove fragile objects from the child’s reach. When a child can safely explore the world around him, you will spend much less time raising him.

Check how firmly the furniture is attached to the walls, as it is the most likely cause of injury in children.

Create a daily routine to organize your child’s activities. Try to keep your meal, sleep, and play times consistent. When the child knows what awaits him, he will quickly tune in to the routine.

To help your toddler move smoothly from one activity to the next, give him advance notice and make them feel involved. Start by letting your child know that the time for play (drawing, watching cartoons, etc.) is coming to an end.

Instead of phrases like “You have a few more minutes left,” use language that is more understandable to the child. 

For example: “We have time to play with one more toy, after that we will go swimming.” Then give your child a choice: “Do you want to play with the car or read a book before you go swimming?”

Plan all your outdoor activities carefully with your child. Your trips to the store will be much calmer if the child is well-fed and rested. If possible, involve the child in social interaction – this will make him behave better.

Children learn good behavior by observing those around them. Show your child an example of the behavior you want to see in him – this will help him quickly develop the necessary skills.

For example, instead of reminding him over and over again to say “thank you” and “please,” use those words yourself. Remember that a child can learn bad habits from you.

Parenting 1-2 Years Old Challenges and Strategies

How to communicate with a toddler

When you explain something to a toddler, keep it short. Children 1-2 years old still do not have enough attention to listen to long moral lectures.

Use short sentences, for example: “You can’t fight. I’m in pain.” As your child develops language skills, you can use more detailed explanations.

As difficult as it may be for you to maintain your composure when your child throws things or throws a tantrum, try to remain calm. This will show your child an example of self-control and help him develop this skill.

Do not use corporal punishment and do not use harsh words towards your child. Spanking, screaming or shaming a baby is not only ineffective, but also harmful to the body and psyche.

If your child’s behavior upsets you, take a deep breath and count to 10 before talking to him again. Take time to take care of yourself. If you learn to manage stress, you will be able to raise your child better.