Psychologists say that children ask more than 300 questions every day. Constant “why” sometimes annoys parents. But when you answer a child’s questions, you help him learn about the world. In addition, the child understands that imagination and curiosity are good qualities.

How can we support our children in their curiosity and motivate them to keep asking questions?

The answer is simple: we should also ask children questions. It has long been proven that children adopt the phrases and behaviors of their parents.

In addition, by asking questions, you show the child how a good question should sound.

When asking your child questions, do not limit yourself to the standard: “How was your day?” Consider interesting and funny questions that will help to get your child to talk.

Questions to get a toddler to talk:

1. If your teddy bear could talk, what would it say?

2. What do you feel when I hug you?

3. If you could draw your thoughts and feelings, what would you draw right now?

4. What do you think you will dream about tonight?

5. What sounds do you like?

6. If you could spend the whole day outside, what would you do?

7. What can be used to build the strongest tower?

8. Do you think animals talk to each other?

9. Describe the best day of your life. What are you going to do? What needs to happen to make this day special?

10. What is the best animal to ride?

11. Do you like it when other people share things with you? Why?

12. Who is your favorite fairy tale character?

13. What will you do if you want to do something on your own, but you need the help of adults?

14. If each family member had a different name, what would you call them?

15. What can make you happy?

16. If you could do anything right now, what would you do?

17. If you had your own dragon, what would you name it?

18. What would you like to do with your family?

How to Get My Kid to Talk

Questions to get a preschooler to talk:

1. Have you ever thought that colors can be named differently?

2. What is the funniest character from books or cartoons?

3. If you had your own store, what would you sell?

4. If you were a superhero, what would your name be and what would your superpower be?

5. If you could grow any plant in your yard, what would you grow?

6. What do you like to share with people?

7. What made you smile or laugh today?

8. Imagine yourself as a chef. Tell me about your restaurant. What kind of food does it serve?

9. Where would you like to visit? How would you get there?

10. If you could ask an animal any question, what would you ask?

11. What do you think is the best thing in nature?

12. If you were a photographer for one day, what would you photograph?

13. What makes you anxious?

14. Do you have any ideas for inventions?

15. Would you be interested in learning any foreign language?

16. If you could come up with a new holiday, what would it be?

17. What is the most unusual thing you have eaten in your life?

18. Come up with three new traditions for the whole world (or for aliens from another planet).

19. What rule would you set in the house?

20. What makes some people smart?

Questions to get  children of school age to talk:

1. What do you like to dream about?

2. Tell me something about yourself that I don’t know.

3. What do your friends like to do?

4. What memory makes you happy?

5. What do you expect from a new day when you wake up in the morning?

6. What is the first thing you do when you go to the beach?

7. What makes you feel brave?

8. How do you know that you are loved?

9. How do you show concern for people?

10. If you could donate 100 dollars to charity, what exactly would you donate it to?

11. If you could build any hut, how would you design it?

12. If you wrote a book, what would it be about?

13. If you came up with a new design for clothes, what would it look like?

14. What is your favorite thing about helping others?

15. What makes you feel grateful?

16. If you were to build a dugout in the forest, how would you equip it?

17. What makes you feel tense?

18. What character would you like to play in a play?

19. What makes your friends cool?

20. What makes you cool?

21. What are three things you want to do this summer?

22. If you had friends all over the world, how would you communicate with them?

23. If you performed in a circus, what would be your circus act?

24. If you were a teacher, what would you like to teach your students?

25. If your friend asked you to keep a secret, and you were uncomfortable doing it, what would you do?

Don’t worry if your child doesn’t rush to answer your questions right away. Do not force him to answer and do not rush to move on to a new question.

If you allow your child to take their time, you will show that you are genuinely interested in his answers, and not automatically asking.