Physical and cognitive indicators will help you understand that your baby is developing at the right pace.

When a child turns one month old, a whole world opens up before him. He develops new skills, interacts better with others. Also, during the first month of life, his physical and cognitive spheres develop strongly. 

What developmental milestones should be expected from a child in the first month of his life? Let’s consider it in more detail.

Development milestones of a 1 month old baby

List of baby development milestones at 1 month

Achieved development milestonesDevelopment milestones in the near future
The child’s gaze follows the movement of objects in front of him and to the side.The child follows objects, his gaze moves from side to side
The child holds objects in the palm of his hand that are placed in his handThe child touches and pushes objects that are within his reach
The child grabs objects but cannot hold them in his handsThe child can briefly hold objects in his hands
The child notices the faces of people within reachChild recognizes parents by hand and foot
Baby makes muffled soundsThe child starts to coo
Baby stops crying when parents pick him upBaby stops crying when parents come into view
The child shows the reflexes of the newborn (sucking, swallowing, etc.)The reflexes of the newborn gradually disappear
Raises head slightly when lying on stomachCan raise head 45 degrees when lying on stomach
Stops crying and looks in the direction of the source of the sound or voiceResponds to parental voices with a hum
Unconsciously moves arms and legsGradually realizes that arms and legs are part of his body
Recognizes the mother’s breast, but does not understand what a bottle of milk is forDistinguishes between mother’s breast and bottle

Development indicators of a 1-month-old baby

The development of the child occurs in three main areas: cognitive, physical and socio-emotional. In each of these areas, during the first month, the child achieves important indicators.

Indicators of the development of the cognitive sphere

1. The baby gets used to the feeding schedule. At first, the baby eats every time you feed him. But after the first month, his body gets used to the daily routine, and he starts crying when it’s feeding time or when he’s hungry. Therefore, babies start crying at the same time every day while waiting for a feed.

2. The child distinguishes between flavors. Although he only feeds on breast milk, he notices if his taste changes. This happens when the mother’s diet changes. It is likely that the baby can catch the smell of breast milk.

3. The child reacts to the presence of people or objects in his field of vision. Bring the object close to your child and you will notice that he is examining it.

4. The child remembers tactile sensations and smells. He can tell a soft object from a hard one. At the age of one month, the child does not like to touch heavy and hard objects. He also likes sweet smells and feels discomfort from bitter and harsh ones.

Development milestones of a 1 month old baby

Physical indicators

5. The child throws his hands forward with a sharp movement. This indicates that the muscle tone of his arms is improving.

6. The child makes sudden movements with his arms and legs. At the age of one month, the child moves his arms and legs symmetrically: one arm or leg makes the same movements as the other.

7. The mobility of the hands becomes greater. You may notice that your child may move his hand to his mouth and eyes.

8. The baby’s head leans back when no one is supporting it. The child is not yet able to support his head on his own. Therefore, it is necessary that one of the parents supports her with his hands or puts her on her knees. Otherwise, the baby’s head is thrown back. This is not an indicator of development, but it is a normal condition at this age.

9. The child can raise or tilt his head. If you put your baby on his stomach, he will try to raise his head or shake it from side to side. At the age of 1 month, your child has already developed enough muscles and nervous system to make such movements.

10. The child can clench his hand into a fist.

11. The baby grabs objects. If you put any object on his palm, he will grab it. The baby also tries to reach out and grab objects that are in his field of vision.

12. The eyes of a child follow objects. When you hold an object to the side of your baby and then move it in front of him, he begins to follow the object. The same thing happens when you hold an object in front of your baby and then move it away.

13. The child can focus on objects or faces of people that are 20-30 cm.

14. During the first month of life, the child’s sleep time decreases. If earlier he slept for 16 hours a day, now – 15.5 hours. During the day and at night, the child sleeps about the same amount of time.

15. The child shows strong reflexes – the so-called reflexes of the newborn. They appear at birth and persist during the first month of life. During a physical examination, the doctor checks these reflexes. Their absence may be evidence of developmental delay.

Social and emotional indicators

16. Child uses crying to communicate with parents. So he says that he is uncomfortable. When parents take him in their arms and meet his needs, he usually calms down. For example, if a mother feeds a child, he stops crying.

17. The child recognizes sounds and voices. He remembers the voices of his parents and subsequently recognizes them. He turns his head in the direction of the source of the sound or voice. At the same age, the child himself begins to make sounds.

18. The child maintains eye contact. If you stand in front of your baby, he will look directly into your face, and then into your eyes. Babies maintain eye contact if someone’s face is in their field of vision.

19. The child prefers human faces. If there is a person and several bright objects in the child’s field of vision, his gaze will focus on the face. He also knows how to recognize his parents by their eyes.

20. The child feels rough treatment and reacts to it. If you treat your child rudely, he notices it. Even at the age of one month, the child distinguishes between smooth and sharp, rough movements. He likes to be treated gently.

All these signs indicate that the child is developing at a sufficient pace. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that parents should look out for.

When should you worry about your child’s development?

Experts identify such signs that may indicate a delay in the development of the child.

1. The child does not eat well, his sucking and swallowing reflexes are poorly developed.

2. Does not focus on a nearby object, even when you move it from side to side.

3. Does not blink in bright light.

4. Does not respond to sounds and voices, even when not sleeping.

5. The baby’s muscles feel tense. The movements of the arms and legs are limited.

6. When you pick up your baby, his body seems to be relaxed. You hardly feel the tension in his muscles.

7. The lower jaw of the child trembles even when he is motionless.

Child development experts recommend regular medical check-ups with a pediatrician, who will notice any deviations from normal development.

If you observe one of the symptoms described above in a child, be sure to tell your pediatrician about it during the next examination.

In addition, parents can contribute to the proper development of the child during this period.

How parents can help their child develop

In order for the child to develop properly, make sure you do to the following actions regularly:

1. Turn the baby on his stomach. In this position, he should spend some time every day. It strengthens almost every muscle group in his body. Pediatricians recommend giving this exercise 2-3 minutes 3-5 times a day. As the child grows, the duration of the exercise can be increased. To make this activity interesting for the child, put a toy in front of him.

2. Do activities with your baby that can stimulate the development of his skills. You can play fun games with him or get him interested in something and then move it around him. Such activities can develop missing skills in your child. Set aside time each day for these activities so that your baby has the necessary practice.

3. Social interaction is very important for a 1 year old child. From an early age, it helps to develop the necessary skills that will be useful to him in the future. Interaction with parents and family members ensures its harmonious development in all areas.

Remember that every child is different. Don’t panic if you think that other children are developing faster than your baby. As long as the child does not show obvious symptoms of developmental delay, as long as he looks healthy, there is no need to worry. 

Regularly undergo an examination with a pediatrician – he will be able to diagnose any abnormalities and help solve the problem.