Traveling with a baby can be an ordeal, so there are a few rules to follow.

Emily, the mother of 11 month old Jacob, says: “Recently, my husband and I took our baby with us on a road trip for the first time. We often do this during the holidays. Considering that this time there was a child with us, we chose a not very remote place to travel.

Our trip took about 3 and a half hours. Given that there was an 11 month old baby in the car, this seemed unlikely. Therefore, we had to think carefully about how to plan the route, what to take with us, etc.

In the end, our plan worked. We arrived at our destination on time and all the things we took with us came in very handy. And, most importantly, for all 7 hours of the trip (3 and a half hours there and the same amount back), the child cried no more than 40 minutes. I consider this our common victory.”

Parents who like to travel in comfort may not like the idea of ​​bringing their child with them. During the trip, he may sleep worse than usual, cry, act up and cause other inconveniences. But in fact, most of these fears are not supported by anything. 

By following certain simple rules, you can provide yourself and your child with quite comfortable conditions for traveling.

I will try to describe the general tips and moments on road trips with a child that seem important to me and suit everyone without exception. Let’s take a closer look at these tips.

How to Plan a Car Trip With a Baby

23 tips of carefree travel with your child

1. The main rule for those traveling with children by car is: “…toddlers must be in a baby car seat while driving, and older children must be fastened, like all adults, with a seat belt…” 

If you don’t have a baby car seat yet, don’t be lazy – read the reviews of baby car seats and choose the most suitable option for your baby. The size and shape of the seat should be selected so that the weight of the child is taken into account – you should not buy it for growth.

2. It is easiest to travel when the child is not yet crawling or hasn’t begun to walk yet. 

In the first case, it will be much easier for him to be in one place (in a car seat), and he also does not need large spaces to move around. 

The second case is more complicated, but it is much easier for a walking child to find a place on the road where he can move around than for a crawling one.

On the roadsides and in parking lots, there is nowhere to crawl, only if somewhere in the grass, but not all children like it. So, if you have a crawling or walking child, then get ready for multiple stops.

3. During the trip, choose a time for the child to sleep. It is best to plan so that the time when the child will sleep in the car does not differ much from his usual sleep time. If the baby sleeps right after dinner, try to feed him at the usual time.

4. Make sure that the place where the child will sit during the trip is comfortable for him. If you are sitting in the front seat and your child is in the back, take him a soft or musical toy so that he does not get bored. Also, give your child a light blanket to make them more comfortable in the car.

5. Get creative in placing children’s toys in the car. If you don’t want to constantly stop to help your child retrieve a toy or picture book that has fallen under the seat, be creative. For example, toys can be attached to the front seat headrest using plastic links. Thanks to this, the child will be able to easily get the toy on his own if it falls under the seat, and will not distract you.

6. Bring light snacks for your child. During the trip, the child is guaranteed to get hungry. Take with you what your baby loves. Pack food so that the child can easily get it. This will save you quite a lot of time.

Purchase a portable car refrigerator for travel. Thanks to its use, you will not need to freeze and then defrost food or look for a store along the way to buy milk for your baby.

7. Choose a quality infant safety seat, check the serviceability of the belts – safety is paramount. 

8. Do not put the child immediately in the baby car seat for a whole day trip. Start with short trips around the city, walks outside the city and weekend trips to the nearest destinations. This will allow you to gradually get used to the closed space, to the noise and shaking, as well as to the need to sit in one place for a long time. 

9. Prepare yourself and your children mentally. Tell your baby where you are going and why, what you can do on the road and what not. Take an interesting adventure, come up with your own fairy tale. 

How to Plan a Car Trip With a Baby

10. Be prepared that the road, even in the most calm children, can provoke whims, poor sleep, and loss of appetite. In this case, it is better to refuse long-distance travel and gradually accustom the child to changing comfortable conditions and routine. 

11. Leave the house as early as possible (5–6 in the morning), then your child will fill up the morning hours with sleep half the way. In addition, the roads are empty in the early hours, so there will be no additional barriers before leaving the city.

12. Check the serviceability of all vehicle systems, including cabin filters of the air conditioner. This must be done in advance. It is advisable to send the car for a technical inspection in order to be completely confident in your transport. 

13. Do not use caustic fragrances in the car interior, they can provoke motion sickness in your child. For the same reasons, do not feed your children heavy meals before leaving. 

14. Plan your route, check your intended route, check gas stations, possible stops and overnight stays in advance. 

15. Make stops for easy walks as often as possible. Pediatricians do not recommend that children sit still in a car seat for more than 2 hours. Stop in clean places where you can safely walk for 10-15 minutes and have a bite to eat. 

16. Choose proven places of food and overnight stay, pay careful attention to hygiene in those places. Better not eat dubious burgers in roadside cafes. Stock up on food from home. 

17. Book a hotel room in advance if you are planning such an overnight stay. 

18. Ventilate the interior of the car during stops when children are outside. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences from drafts. 

19. Organize everything in the car so that you do not get distracted during the trip. All the most necessary things, water, toys and a light snack for the child should always be at hand.

19. Do not chase the maximum number of attractions and places on the trip, as it was before the birth of the child. Children get overexcited pretty quickly and they need to dose new impressions, and it can be difficult for yourself as well. What’s the point of turning a journey into a race?

21. You can stay not in hotels but in apartments through Airbnb. There is much more space for a family in an apartment, and it will be very easy for a child to cook food, since there is a kitchen. On the other hand, hotels work around the clock, there are cafes and restaurants and you don’t have to cook anything at all. In any case, the choice is yours.

22. A very useful thing in a car for the safety of children is the locking of doors and windows so that the child does not fall out of the car. Even if he never tried to open the door, it’s only a matter of time.

23. If there are a lot of doubts about your strengths and the strengths of the child regarding the road trip, then it makes sense to test on a short trip. Most often, it is parents who find it difficult to travel with children, not children. Not everyone has the moral strength to withstand all these difficulties.

How to Plan a Car Trip With a Baby

At what age can a child go on a long trip? 

There is an opinion that children can be taken on a road trip only after a year and a half. But we hasten to debunk this myth. 

As pediatricians say, if the child is healthy, and the parents are confident in their abilities, then there are no age restrictions on travel. Of course, success will depend on many factors, including the temperament and preparedness of the child.

Not all children perceive the road equally easily and agree to sit for hours in one place in a confined space. 

  • 0-1 year. On the short road tip, you can even go with a newborn baby. Babies and toddlers up to a year old turn out to be not very picky passengers: they sleep for a long time, can freely be in a baby car seat, and do not require much attention. 
  • 1-2 years. It is a little more difficult with children from 1 to 2 years old, since they still cannot walk, require space to crawl, do not know how to play and listen to fairy tales, and are capricious in terms of sleep. With such toddlers, it is better to limit yourself to very short trips.
  • 2–4 years. Children from 2 to 4 years old show an active interest in the world around them, therefore they willingly accept the road and travel time. As a rule, they listen to songs, fairy tales, watch cartoons, play with toys and sit quietly in a car seat. As child psychologists say, for such kids, the main thing is variety and frequent change of topic. 
  • 4 years and older. If the child is already 4 years old, then there should not be any special problems with a road trip. Children of primary school age, in the presence of comfortable conditions, can easily overcome daily runs with their parents. As the parents themselves say, traveling with such a child is fun. And for schoolchildren, a long trip in a car is completely exciting entertainment.

Necessary accessories for the road trip with a child 

  • Child seat or infant carrier – it is important to choose according to age. 
  • Sun blinds on windows
  • Properly functioning climate system of the car
  • Car seat organiser or travel bag with pockets and holders 
  • Holder for iPad or tablet
  • Thermal bag 
  • Correct locking of doors and windows 
  • Tent, sleeping bags, flashlights
How to Plan a Car Trip With a Baby

Checklist of essentials to pack for a family road trip

Let’s consider the main list of necessary things for the carefree road trip with a child. The detailing of the points, the change or addition of some will depend on the age and number of children. 

  • Drinking water in handy cups
  • Food that will not melt or crumble
  • Travel first-aid kit, which must include remedies for diarrhea, allergies and motion sickness, antipyretic, cold drops, antiseptic, bandage, cotton wool, band-aid
  • Spare change of underwear, extra shoes, a necessary set of clothes, including warm clothes. 
  • Diapers, wet and dry wipes, paper towels. 
  • Child seat or infant carrier – it is important to choose according to age. 
  • Folding potty 
  • Blanket
  • When going to sea: swimwear, high protection sunscreen, camping tent or umbrella, sunglasses, rubber ring or arm sleeves. Plaids. A set of disposable tableware. 
  • Tablet for drawing. 
  • Folding table and chairs – optional 
  • Chargers for gadgets, portable battery. 
  • Hygiene products. 
  • Disposable small trash bags
  • Toys and entertainment for kids: favorite music and cartoons
  • If you plan to cook your own food: cereals in cardboard packages, a small saucepan and a frying pan, a slow cooker.

What to do on a road trip If the child is seasick…

Be prepared for the fact that the child may vomit during the trip. Even if before that the child went and everything was always in order with him. In this case, always have a couple of airtight bags and sachets of wet wipes on hand. 

There are special drugs against motion sickness, but they are contraindicated for children up to a year old and generally have a number of side effects – therefore, consult your pediatrician before use.

Here are a few simple rules that will help you avoid this unpleasant phenomenon: 

  • When planning your travel route, avoid winding roads. 
  • Ventilate the car interior frequently. 
  • Do not unpack food with strong odors while driving. 
  • Plan to start your trip early so that your child can get some sleep on the road. In a dream, the road is easier to bear.
  • Fill up your car with gas ahead of time, as gas station smells can also trigger nausea. 
  • Before the road, do not feed the child with sweet, dairy and fatty foods. 
  • If there are no contraindications, give the child citrus fruits or an apple slice. Chewing reduces the gag reflex. 
  • It is known that singing, even softly, helps with motion sickness. Or ask your child to tell a fairy tale.